E-Poster Guidelines
E-poster of a single page/slide prepared in any of the file format* (JPEG, PPT, PPTx, ODP, PDF, Coral Draw etc.) can be presented for projection. The file should not exceed 5 MB.
A single slide e-poster will only be considered for review and presentation.
Presentations based on research studies and case studies are preferred.
E-poster should include the title, name of the presenter and subject matter.
Limit the text in the e-poster, make the fonts bright and visible and limit the diagrams. Diagrams should be easy to understand. E-poster should preferably be in landscape orientation.
Use uniformed font style and size.
Do not use animation or do not embed film/video/audio clips and hyperlinks etc.
Kindly note that no printed posters will be entertained.
See some model E-posters
*Note: Please check how your presentation looks when you convert e-poster file as PDF copy. When converted into PDF, the content and format should remain unchanged.
Last date to submit your e-poster is 31st August, 2017.
You can submit online or e-mail your e-posters to Santosh C. Hulagabali on santosh[@]nkc.ac.in.
Selection and confirmation of presentations: 5th Sept. 2017