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The Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC) is a non-profit organization that supports development of the special librarianship in India. It undertakes supports, coordinate research and studies, conducts short term training courses; organises general/special meetings, seminars and conferences on the current trends oin libraries and its Information services. It also publishes journals, monographs, manuals, newsletters, papers. [More]



Health Science Librarians Association of India (HLAI) initiated  in 2008, focuses on professional development of medical healthcare librarians. Since its establishment it has arranged a series of conferences and seminars called Knowledge Resource Management (KRM) on various upcoming topics, which were focused on needs of  librarians from all streams and domains. With Dr. H S Sididdhamalliah as President, it is prepared to take leap in field to Health Science Librarianship. 


Central Library, IIT-Bombay

IIT Bombay’s Central Library is user-focused, innovative, and excellence driven department. The library has always benefited from the institutes’ culture, is pioneer in adopting new technology. Central Library manages knowledge, both in print and digital formats, ensures seamless discovery and access to these scholarly resources, and provides faculty, students, and staff with professional support to find, evaluate, manage, and use such resources. It provides high-quality ambiance for both reflective and collaborative work and study. Its collection of about 4.40 lakh items is used by more than 11000 members and others. [More]

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